Monday 27 May 2013

Teens drinking?

Im going to start off by saying, I don't drink. I have never even tried a sip of alcohol. I am 16, smart, love life, want to get a good job, and I can still have the time of my life sober.

I have a group of friends with two best best friends. We all balance each other out. I am the social and spontaneous one, my friend is the smart, grounded and quiet one, then there is the other. She is kinda the random one of our group of friends. She is boy crazy but doesn't get any, wants to feel accepted and gets overly jealous. Don't get me wrong, we still love her! She is what makes us whole. ;)

This girl likes to drink but she's not a partier. She only drinks because she thinks its cool and wants to be accepted. She also thinks I'm weird for never have trying it. My question is, Does drinking really make you 'cooler'?

I go to a very small school, there are only 25 of us in our grade. There is one girl in our class whom nobody likes. She is a huge slut, rich kid, parties and drinks all the time. She is one of those teens that would come to school hung over and want to tell everyone about it. She is one of those teens that has sex and want to tell everyone about it. Nobody cares or thinks she's cool for doing it. People think she is annoying and literally out of the 25 of us, she has no good friends.

Wouldn't that show that drinking, sleeping around, and being bad isn't necessarily a good thing? No one thinks you are cooler for getting drunk on the weekends. I can say I am very happy as a alcohol virgin ;)
People do stupid things while drunk then never remember the night. They usually hook up with some guy, have terrible pictures of them posted on social sites, then get a bad reputation.

Why? Why drink? Why would anyone think it makes them cooler?
Its such a cliche question but I would legit like to know the answer.
My friend told me she drinks because she has more fun while drunk. How come someone would need to not be themselves to have fun. Alcohol changes who you are so all you are doing is masking yourself to be 'more fun'.

I may get made fun of for not smoking, drinking, or sleeping around but I can imagine how much MORE made fun of I would be if I did do those things. I hear how people talk about them behind their back and I know I judge people who choose to do those things. I would rather have friends who like to party with me as me, then party with a lifeless drunk teen who only lasts for as long as they can be drunk.

You get dammed if you do, dammed if you dont.

Make the decision for yourself, not others.

Peer pressure = not cool ;)

Saturday 25 May 2013

Beach, Water, Love

The beach
Sand between your toes 
Water crashing ahead 

To me, going to the beach or the lake is calming. You just sit watching the waves, forgetting about everything.
People who don't sit to reflect on happy things end up more depressed then people who do. 
If you are ever feeling hopeless, alone, scared, try thinking about something simple. Nature can subconsciously make you a little happier, even without thinking hard. 

Sit and relax sometime 
Try it 
YOLO right? ;)

Socializing in school... Populars?

  A boy at lunch time
 Sits quietly in corner
 Reads his kobo alone
    Is he anti social?

You see someone by them self and you think, they must not have any friends. Or do they?
A boy  sits at lunch alone on his kobo. Why doesn't he sit with people?
Is he anti social? What am I then? I'm quietly blogging, typing to a virtual world.
I am very social still. Hanging out with friends all weekend, meeting as much people as I can. I have to find time to reflect on life and all the little things.

I see him outside of school at the rink. I figure skate, he plays hockey. I began to crush on him. He is always enjoying himself and with friends. None of which I recognize, they are from out of school.

I urge him to sit with us at lunch. He is getting better at socializing at school. I used to have that problem. All my friends were outside of school. I still had them and fun times, just not published

What are we at school for? Parents say to learn. Kids say to socialize.
Some how there are still popular kids and unpopular kids.
How do we judge that?
By the amount of friends one has? The amount of people like them?
When you ask someone no on really has that answer.
We all still get bullied and by lame things.

There is a life outside of school. Friends that school kids don't see.
I don't understand how we can tease someone for not having friends when we don't know them outside of school. I see how I judged that boy from first sight, then after getting to know him, he is cool and popular out of school.

If you are getting made fun of or hate going to school because of bullies, just know- they make fun of people thinking it solves their own problems. The bullies at my school have big life problems and their bullying has stopped getting to people. We all know no one likes them. To the outside they might have the popular look, but popular to me is the amount of people who like you. No one likes them, they are not popular. Find true friends wether they are at school or I'm your neighbourhood. School is a place we learn, not get teased.