Sunday 14 July 2013

Life book of choices

"Everyday we have choices"
How many times have we all heard that. Most people don't think it's such a big deal- those little choices at parties or certain Facebook posts. 

If you think of your life as a book things can get a bit better. Think of everything that you have ever done in your life time, your firsts, your friends, your choices. 

Your firsts- that is always something you want to remember and be special. They are pages in your book you will read later in life. Would you want a page to say "she got drunk at a party and made out with some guy" 
I guess if you don't care- Go ahead. 
For me, I wanted to make sure my first kiss was special and it turned out like that, it's a page I will be glad to have in my book.

I know that thinking about life as pages really helps me choose things like that. 

If a guy asks you for pictures of you in your bra or underwear or nude, will you take them? Would you even think about it? I have come across the decision before. I knew I didn't want that page in my book for me to read and remember later on and regret or even for someone else to read! 

You may think "no ones going to know" but think back on things you didn't want anyone to know and sure enough someone knows or found out. For girls sometimes it's instinct to tell at least one person. No matter how bad it is, you feel like you can tell your best friend in the whole world. Remember- that's now one person who knows. 

In everyone's head we all judge. You could be the best friends ever but you will remember what happened. Of course you guys will still be friends but the judging thought is still there. 

*some things I feel like cant count towards what I'm saying, if you have been raped tell someone, speak out, it's ok. You are a victim of something bad, not your choice <3 

Facebook/Twitter posts- 
It's been said- everything you put on the Internet is there forever. It is a digital page. Friends, family, and employers all see it. Enough said ;) 

I hope this was helpful for some people, if it was comment, share, let me know! :)